Venues and Competitions
Douglas community School T12HF77
Gaelscoil na Duglaise T12D702
Competitions for Bodhran, mandolin, banjo, amhránaíocht, singing, storytelling, comhrá gaeilge, piano , tionlacan, piano accordion and mouth organ will be held in Gaelscoil na Duglaise
All other competitions will be held in Douglas Community School
Parking is available in Douglas Gaelscoil and in Tramore Soccer Club (take first exit 7 for Douglas west off South Link )
And in rear of Douglas Community School ( Take second exit 8 for Douglas east off South Link )
Parking in the front car park of Douglas Community School is reserved for Officials and wheelchair users only .
However there will be a drop off facility for those with Harps and Drums .

Entry Costs –Adults 6 euro /Children 4 Euro
Fleadh Program – 7 euro
Wristbands for all entrants including competitors can be purchased at entrances of both venues –
Please note ‘Sum up ‘ machine is only available at Douglas Community School .
Cash only at Douglas Gaelscoil
Catering –Douglas Community School
There will be a Tea/coffee shop and tuck shop just inside main entrance of Douglas Community School . CASH ONLY
Sandwiches , Rolls ,Wraps and cakes will be sold at the Café. Scones , chocolate, crisps and soft drinks will be sold at the tuck shop
There are two main seating areas in the school where food can be eaten .
Douglas Village Shopping Centre are our main commercial sponsors and is only 5 minutes walk from the venes where you will find a Food court , Cafes and a market on Saturday morning . There are also many well known Fast Food venues and pubs serving food all within the village .
Adjudication results orders and Photography permission slips.
These are available from Fleadh office as usual .
Only those with signed permission slips can Video or photograph a competition .
Fleadh Program of events
We have a full program of events for the weekend. These include a Ceilí, Singers night, Aifreann , Group performances and nightly sessions in local pubs . see attached program

Music Shops on campus
We are delighted to have three Music Suppliers who are having pop-up shops in Douglas Community School over the weekend -Crowleys Music Shop , McNeelas and Killarney Harps. Be sure to call and see them and give them your support
School property and surrounds
Please be respectful of the schools property. There is no use of the schools pitches at the weekend and any rooms marked private are off limits to all of us. Please dispose of all rubbish in appropriate bins. We are lucky to have use of such fine facilities for the weekend ..GRMA
And most of all ..have a fantastic weekend and Craobh na Dublaise welcomes you all to Fleadh Cheoil Chorcaí 2024!